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  • Subcontracting

    Oostendorp Subcontracting

    Oostendorp Subcontracting helps you to serve your customers even better, with our team of experts in the field of welding, materials and mechanics.

    Oostendorp Apparatenbouw also works on behalf of other manufacturers. Our teams have a broad knowledge and expertise that can be used to take over parts of your production, to supplement your own expertise or when your production capacity is not sufficient.

    When your customer requires a type of metal that falls outside your expertise, Oostendorp can assist you. Oostendorp has an extensive portfolio of more than 500 welding qualifications (PQR), which we are continuously expanding and developing. Our team of welders combines specialist manual work with semi-automatic processes. The varied activities ensure that our production team has broad knowledge and expertise and regularly works with all kinds of metals. For more details see welding qualifications.

    Of course, mutual communication and trust are of great importance in these activities. Our Engineering and QC teams ensure that the technical approval is achieved and monitored in the right way. In cooperation with our factory, they can also assist you in keeping the certification of equipment supplied by you up to date.

    Our Service & Repair team can also carry out work under your flag. For example, we can (dis-) assemble or finalise your products on-site, when your company does not have the options.

    Subcontracting (1)
    Subcontracting (3)

    More common Subcontracting activities include:

    • Certified welding work, including the welding of exotic metals
    • Machining and assembling materials supplied by the customer
    • Execution according to technical drawings drawn up by the customer
    • On-site adjustments of equipment manufactured elsewhere

    Do you have questions about the possibilities for your processes?
    Please contact our Sales Engineers.